The 1st Bletchley Company has been working with children & young people since its founding in 1926 and is an important part of the work of Spurgeon Baptist Church in serving the local community.
Our Vision, Mission and Values can be found on the Boys’ Brigade website, but they can also be summed up by the BB Object:
“The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”
The way the Object has been executed has of course changed shape over the decades, but the commitment to our members to equip them with skills for the future and the enthusiasm of our volunteers has stayed the same!
The company meets weekly at the Water Eaton Church Centre and caters for boys and girls, through our Girls’ Association and Amicus group, from age 5 to young people aged 22. We don’t meet all at the same time or in the same group – the company is split into several sections.

All sections meet on a Tuesday evening. We use a balanced programme of activities for children and young people provided by the Boys’ Brigade and others. These resources have been developed to help volunteer youth leaders work in a relevant and creative way. We hope, through these programmes, that they will be able to make a positive contribution to a young person’s life and be able to share their faith. All leaders undertake formal training. All staff are DBS checked and undergo a periodic re-registration process.
In addition to the programmed activities we also compete with neighbouring companies (as part of the West Anglia Battalion) in various competitions and participate in local and national Brigade events. One of these local events includes the annual Summer Camp, which is a highlight for many.
Further details regarding resources and badge award schemes can be found on the BB website.